Things I’m liking and not


A dirty chai latte is a chai latte with a shot of coffee. Despite loving chai lattes and loving coffee, and drinking chai lattes wishing there was coffee in it, and drinking coffees wishing there was chai latte in it, it never occurred to me that the two may be combined in a glorious explosion of delicious. This is why I’ll never be the inventor of a simple yet essential item, like silent velcro, or the little plastic table in the pizza box, then make my millions, then lose them all in a series of unwise investments, then be featured in a mini series.  But at least I have dirty chai lattes to drink, so it’s not all bad news.

The Good Wife I know I’m literally last to the party on this (actually second last, my best friend is two seasons behind me which is torture because I have repressed all my feelings about EVERYTHING so as to wait for her to catch up so we can decompress together) but I love it so much. I read that the creator regrets calling it “The Good Wife” because men won’t watch it because it has “wife” in the title. Talk about fragile masculinity.

My baby he is a little pudding.

 And not

Podcasts theoretically I should like podcasts- I want to like podcasts- I see myself as the kind of person who likes podcasts. But sometimes how I see myself and who I am doesn’t line up, like when I dyed my hair strawberry blonde because I saw myself as a charming and quirky redhead but instead I looked like the human iteration of a strawberry. And it’s the same with podcasts. I listen dutifully, I tried some which will make me smarter and better informed (radiolab, science vs) some which were popular (shittown) and furtively some which appealed to my repressed interests (the west wing weekly) but none of them have hooked me to the degree that, when faced with a free a hour, make me think “boy I can’t WAIT to catch up with that podcast!”

Small irritating household tasks like replacing this lightbulb, putting that picture frame up using those sticky hooks that you never know if you should trust or not, putting actual plants in the mountain of pots outside which were gathered in a flush of inspiration which instantly cooled, and so on, and so forth, forever, until we die.

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