Or Is It Just Me (the iphone edition)

You know when you have your friend’s phone and you know you’re holding your friend’s phone and there is no doubt in your mind that it’s your friend’s phone… but you put in your password?

You know when you start typing the password but the first digit is wrong and you know it’s wrong, but then instead of just pressing delete once you just keep typing random numbers until it tells you you typed the wrong password?

You know when you’re typing a message and autocorrect changes it to something hilarious and you automatically delete it and change it to what you wanted… but then you pause, and return it to the original autocorrect so you can seem inadvertently hilarious and not, accurate but boring as death?

You know when you’re going to take a happy picture of the pleasant scene before you, but then when you click camera it’s on selfie mode and you are confronted with chins for years and a chubby, squinty face of horror, and for the whole afternoon you are a little shaken and disquieted by the truth?

You know when you give your phone to someone to look at a picture and they start scrolling and you’re so scared that the next image is either nudity or a screenshot of a group chat bitching about them even though there’s no plausible reason either would be on your photo roll?

You know when you’ve spent a good few hours scrolling through a newsfeed of some variety rather than engage with the world around you, but you also know the problem with youths is their frightening dependence on technology?

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