What Strange Treasures My Phone Holds #1


Via instagram, via tumblr, presumably via the brain of a youth


While I inexplicably seemed to constantly find myself on the other side of the unrequited love situations, I once had a housemate who was super friendly and had a passion for documentaries. Frequently myself and our other housemate would find him engrossed in a documentary about Al Jazeera, or a Fresh Prince of Bel Air marathon, with a hopeful lady over to “watch tv”. Little did she now, she really was there to, in fact, watch tv.


My husband broke my beloved car and I took this shot of him and the creepiest-and-perhaps-not-coincedentally-cheapest tow truck driver chatting. My husband comes alive in such circumstances, exuding an air of serene joy at the opportunity to extract oneself from a pickle. His unrestrained happiness in such moments only makes the situation further unbearable. A vicious cycle commences, for he approaches my mounting fury as yet another obstacle in this exciting challenge, which only increases his general happiness and satisfaction at the circumstances, which yet increases my rage. It’s a miracle our marriage is intact. I put it down to our car rarely breaking down.


A tax file number seems like such an inexplicable thing to be one of the most searched for things? Surely you apply once, lose it immediately, and regret it forever? Eyeliner meanwhile, is eminently sensible. My application of eyeliner makes me look like a drug addict or worse, an ironic goth.

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